“I’m so proud of the fact that you gained profile with ITN News at Ten in Moscow. It just proves how significant the work of WomenAid is.
Adriana Joseph. 1997
Thank you very much for your every kindness and a lot of help. I was very encouraged by your advice every time…my appreciation is beyond description. I really love WomenAid International and people working there.
Ryoko Kobashi, Japan. 1999
“I hope this message will reach you… I would like to be able to tell you in person how much respect I have for your accomplishments and how highly I appreciate the experience of working with you.
Susanna Avissian, Armenia Office Manager. 19.09.1999
“Thank you for all you have taught me over the year and a half I have been working for you and for all the opportunities you gave me.
Sharon Thomas, WomenAid Administrator 1998/9
This work experience was rich for me, I had the opportunity to work using important and useful skills and at the same time I am very thankful because I had the chance to collaborate in a noble cause with very noble people.
Sofia Viegas Garcia, Portugal. 2003
Thank you so much for all that you did for me over the two months. The internship was a great experience and I learned a lot! Thank you again.
Liz Bender, United States. 2003
I am really pleased that I had the opportunity to do my internship in the Womenaid International charity organisation. I was able to work independently and with responsibility. In this way I learned a lot. I am now able to find a solution by myself and I am more independent. It was really a wonderful experience to work in this company.
Julia Storma Germany 2003
I thank you for giving me the opportunity for an internship with WomenAid International. I gained a lot of experience and learned an immense amount about the non-profit sector. I will always remember my time at 3 Whitehall Court with appreciation and fondness.
Deborah Hendryx, United States. 2002
“Thank you for the wonderful experience that I had with UNIFEM-UK. It was wonderful to work with as small an organisation as UNIFEM-UK so that I could and did get a feel for this kind of group. And you, Pida, are a truly inspirational woman to work with!
Kate Nottage, Intern United States.
“My internship at WomenAid and the Institute (Chatham House) were valuable experiences, which I am grateful for.”
Martin Hwang, intern. United States, 1990.
I just want to thank you again for the opportunity to do my internship with WomenAid International. It has truly been a dream come true!’
Betsy Lines, USA 1998
All I want to say is “God bless you always” – you really lifted me when I was low – you were one of the best things that happened in my life!”
Zenny Hirji, WomenAid Committee member.
To Pida Ripley – the greatest employer I have ever worked for….My name is Gayane Mkrtchian and I was working at WomenAid International –Armenia 1995-97….you were the best employer I have ever had and I thank you for knowledge I have gained by working with you.
Gayane Mkrtchian, former Deputy Finance Officer, Armenia. 30.04.99
Pida, you’re the best boss a girl could hope to work for. Thank you for your patience and understanding. This has been a great year working for you.
Sue Swazey, Personal Assistant to Director of Development, Chatham House. 1990.
‘I am writing to thank you for the great experience that I have received working with you, You are an outstanding woman and I hope people around you acknowledge this.
Ketevan Tsurtsumia, Former staffer, WomenAid International-Caucasus.2001-04.