The fact is that hunger is perhaps the most compelling moral and political problem that today’s youth will have to face as the leaders of tomorrow.

As part of their education, students should learn the facts about world hunger and what they as individuals, and as citizens of their communities and nations, can do to end it. A good way to begin is to participate in World Food Day, observed each year on 16 October. Coinciding with the anniversary of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, World Food Day aims to make the public more aware of the nature and gravity of the world food problem. It also promotes solidarity among people of all nations in their collective effort to eliminate hunger, malnutrition and poverty once and for all.

Schools can participate in World Food Day through many different activities:

  1. Paying special attention of food and nutrition in school programmes.

  2. Holding essay, drawing and other kinds of school contests on food and hunger topics.

  3. Staging workshops and debates on the causes of hunger and on its solutions.

  4. Mounting exhibitions.

  5. Publishing special articles in school newspapers.

  6. Visiting farms, agricultural fairs, farmers’ markets, etc.

  7. Viewing educational films or slide presentations on food issues, or having special radio and TV programmes prepared by the students themselves.

  8. Learning about local or national organisations involved in the fight against hunger, and how concerned individuals can help.

  9. Learning about the many challenging careers related to agriculture, food, technology, economies, rural sociology, etc.

WORLD FOOD DAY-16 OCTOBER WORLD FOOD DAY-16 OCTOBER  is a reminder of the basic human right to food, without which life itself is meaningless. In a world in which so many people go hungry, World Food Day helps put priorities in the right order.


